Bangui Wind Farm

Bangui Wind Farm

The Bangui Wind Farm in Ilocos Norte is the first of its kind in Southeast Asia. Marvel at the giant wind turbines providing a total of 52 MW of power to nearby towns. The Bangui Wind Farm in Ilocos Norte looks stunning even from a different angle.

Bangui Wind Farm is a wind farm in Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines.  Approaching Bangui Wind Farm, Ilocos Norte at 1,500 ft. A nine-kilometer row of wind turbines at 230 ft. tall each, the wind farm is not only a source of renewable energy; it also gives an amazing scenery from above and on ground. The 20 turbines of the Bangui Wind Farm are still producing 33-MW of clean power after over a decade of nonstop service. The Northwind Bangui Bay Project is located at the municipality of Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Located at the north-west tip of Luzon island.

Photo by Roberto Musni Nacino‎